By Mrs. Bambi, mother of 8, @ In the Nursery of the Nation
Bonus Link: Homeschooling Shouldn't Be Stressful
"If you were to ask a new homeschooling mom what her biggest fear was about teaching her children, what would she say? Nine times out of ten, she'd probably remark that she's worried about covering all the bases. The truth is, no one covers all the bases. No teacher in any school can ever teach your child everything they need to know."
by Mrs. Jacinda, mother of 3, @ Growing Home
Bonus Link: 4 Essential Subjects to Teach Your Child
"The point of this post is to unpack one example of how it can be done if you are willing to get off the conveyor belt and look into all of your options. Once you are free from the culture box, you’ll be surprised…and delighted…to find out what could be available to your particular child down the road!"
by Mrs. Natalie, mother of 9, @ Visionary Womanhood
Bonus Link: 7 Strategies for Home Schooling Moms
"Time and time again we see evidence of the beautiful gifts and amazing talents God has given to those who are labeled with various “learning disabilities.” Our daughter, Abigail, probably would have been considered “different” by many in the public school system. Perhaps we would have been instructed to medicate her; or maybe she would have grown up feeling like something was “wrong” with her. But in God’s providence, our sweet blessing is learning at home; and we are watching her blossom."
by Mrs. Stacy, mother of 10, @ Your Sacred Calling
Bonus Link: Raising Maidens of Virtue
'My biggest question is “How do I begin?” What is the very first thing that you did when you started this process. With so much to choose from, I can’t seem to focus on any one thing.'"
by Mrs. Amy, mother of 7, @ Raising Arrows
Bonus Link: Does That Count as School?
"Understanding the fact that different kids have different bents has escaped mainstream thought. I think one of the most harmful things the conventional classroom does (by default) is define the “success” of a student by a grossly narrow measure. That’s the only way to mass produce “education”.
I remember when I taught high school, with great shame, giving a tongue-lashing to an 18-year old student, towering over me with tears in his eyes. I had been brainwashed too."
by Mrs. Kelly, mother of 9, @ Generation Cedar
Bonus Link: The Secret to Your Child's Success
by Mrs. Hannah, mother of 6, @ Cultivating Home
Bonus Link: The Goals of a Homeschool Family
by Mrs. Victoria, mother of 7, @ Western Conservatory of the Arts and Sciences
Bonus Link: Curriculum Advice from Victoria Botkin
Resources You'll Want to Get:
What to Show People Who Don't Like Your Decision to Homeschool |
God's Word is the Best Curriculum Choice |
A friend, and homeschool mom of 3, calls this book her "sanity". |
What articles have encouraged you during this back to {home} school season?
Amazing and excellent list Shelby! :D Thanks! I can't wait to look all these up (it's never to early right?). I agree with that first one, about mom's being afraid they will not be able to really teach their children all the basics. I've heard that a lot as well. But as a homeschool grad for many years now, I have discovered the best thing you can do for your children is give them a desire and love for learning...I have kept up with my "studies" long after graduation this way because my mother instilled in me a love for learning, not just getting through school. :)
ReplyDeleteHmm, I haven't really read too many "back to homeschool" articles recently. Yours is my first. Although I did find some free printables for story idea's the other day that was neat (that I then pinned to Pinterest. *wink*). :D
Love in Christ!