Saturday, November 17, 2012

Preparation for the spring garden

About a month ago our family all sat down and started to plan what we will need for the farm and how we could get it with no money. As part of building up our soil for the spring garden we knew we needed to bring in lots of organic materials to add nutrients to our soil. We also knew that we are not going to use chemicals or man made fertilizer. Also we have limited time, which gardening requires alot of, so how will we do it.........

Wood chips were high on our radar as well as old hay from local farmers. But the problem was we didn't know where to get them without spending alot of money. three weeks later I am driving home from work and right at the end of our driveway was a truck with the name Tree's Inc. on the side of it. They were trimming our power lines and as part of that they grind up all of the limbs into fine particles. I went out and had a really good conversation with them men and they agreed to come dump all of their wood chips onto our property. About six loads later we have mounds of wood chips. Perfect for our garden!!

The next item that we were focused on getting was old used hay from some of our local farmers. We are first generation farmers and we are pretty new to these things. A local farmer said he had more hay then we new what to do with, so I took him up on his offer. I loaded the gang up in the Excursion, pulling our trailer, all the while not having any idea the amount of work we were getting into. Lets just say it was a pice full night of sleep once we went to sleep that night.

So once we got all of this organic matter, we had to decide how we were going to spread it all out over our garden site. I used a tractor to move the big majority and then used a little thinking to get the rest spread out........

Yes that is chickens! We built a portable fence measuring one hundred feet by one hundred feet and the girls love it. We are doing a few things using this method. First our organic matter is getting spread out very efficiently and while that is happening the chickens are also fertilizing the garden site. These laying hens are just now starting to lay eggs as well, so we are getting the most out of what the Lord has given us. We should have a nice spring garden Lord willing, all we can do is till the ground spread the seeds and God will give the increase. More to follow...........

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