Monday, September 10, 2012

A little earring and a lot of land!

Hi again, I was just pondering on some of  life's little blessings and what they mean to us.

A friend posted on everyone's favorite site now days about how he received a Tractor Supply $50 gift card in the mail. He didn't know the circumstances of why he got the gift card but I know that this is one of those things I like to call "the little things in life".

Most people rave over big things in life like new jobs, new houses, new additions to the family, but how many people really appreciate the little things in life like a gift card, or a little earring on a large piece of land?

And  to this I will start the story:  My darling Hannah wanted her ears pierced for her 7th birthday and after asking her Papa's blessing we found ourselves at the mall. She went through the process like a champ even though she said it did hurt more than a bee sting (she should know, shes been stung twice that I know of)! We gave her the rules and such about cleaning and taking care of them and having to buy her own earrings when the time came, she was just so excited that in 6 weeks she would be able to change them like mommy's. That time flew by and the day came when she asked about getting her first pair of sparkling earrings. I was able to take her back to the mall and we went on the search! We found a card of  4 pairs of sterling silver earrings on clearance for $8 and she was excited. I was more excited that they were only $8 when before they were $16, but she would have happily emptied her wallet.

That afternoon we got home and changed her earrings to the shiny, sparkling pink that she loves. She was so happy that she couldn't wait to show them to her Geemaw, so the next day when they went to Covenant Acres she got her big chance, only that chance was saddened  by one moment. One moment where she looked down in a puddle of water and saw the back of her earring flop into it. She said she looked up and realized that something was wrong and felt that her shiny pink earring was gone. 

She started crying and telling Geemaw that mommy was going to be upset and that she bought those earrings with her own money. Right then the first lesson of money was learned. After Geemaw helping her look for half the day it was just assumed that it was gone. There was a tiny earring lost somewhere in tall grass and muddy spots from when it rained. A little girl was sad until mommy came and told her it was an accident and that she still had 3 pairs left at home.

Hannah was ready to go home and put on her purple ones, but mommy has always had a knack of finding things. Mommy has kept up with three kids shoes and socks and you can ask the family, I've been asked many times to "find that contact"!!!!!  The nagging feeling that her earring was out there (had to be near the truck) was so strong I told little Hannah we would go on a treasure hunt with the metal detector.

Well 3 days later when we went "treasure hunting" on top of having a headache we just couldn't find the lost earring! I finally told myself to give up and I really prayed to the Lord that I would be able to forget about it because those things just nag me. We all went inside for a bit, except for the hubby who by now took off on the tractor to the back 40, to rest.

It looked like a rain cloud so I jumped up to put the metal detector away and the truck was locked tight! My phone was in there so I couldn't call my hubby to bring me the keys, but that was ok, Gramps came to the rescue (with his phone) and text the hubby to let him know the situation. [are you wondering yet where this is going? keep reading, I'm almost done!]

About 15 minutes later I hear the tractor so I went outside to wait for the hubby with the keys. I walked out to the driveway and the sun came out behind a cloud. It made me squint and look straight down.

Can you even imagine what I saw???? Yes, right there in a small dirt pile was this tiny earring that we had all looked for, half buried but still shinning in the sun. 

Right then and there did I praise the Lord for showing me how it's "the little things in life" that also need God's praise and Glory.

"Rejoice evermore. Pray without  ceasing.
In every thing give thanks:
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Until next time,

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