Monday, August 20, 2012

DIY - Laundry Detergent and Dishwasher Detergent

Hi, I just thought I would give this blogging thing a try and give you a couple of do it yourself recipes that I have tried personally and LOVE. This may not be for everyone, but whats the harm in trying to save a few bucks? Ok, so I am going to give you the homemade laundry recipe first (which I am going to make as soon as I post this).
I found a plastic container with a good fitting lid to put mine in ( I think its a rubbermaid container). So, before I post the recipe I just want to be clear that I have added more to the photo than what is actually used so you can see what all different things you can use.

Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe:
( 1 cup for large load )
  •  1(4 lb) box of Borax 
  •  1(3lb) box of Washing soda
  •  1/2 box (6lb box) of Clorox 2 OR oxyclean (will explain why this is highly suggested later)
  • 2 bars grated Fels-Naptha, Octagon, Zote or the bar soap of your choice( the 2 I am showing are the ones that I alternate using) you can experiment also with the scents you prefer. 
  • 2 (2lb) boxes of baking soda
and OPTIONAL 1 (55oz) bottle of powered Purex Crystals fabric softener ( I used this once but didn't find it to make a difference, so to cut the cost I don't use it).

Layer ingredients in the large bucket and using a large spoon mix this all together very well. (when I make mine I will add a picture of what the finished product looks like).

To me this is a great recipe and if you don't want to make all of it at once you can cut the recipe in half. On to why I suggest the Clorox 2 in every load of  clothes. Long story short, when my twins were in the hospital when they were born there was a swab test done to all the infants in the ward and the doctors told me that my little girl was tested and received a high chance for staph. This did not mean she had staph it just ment that she could develop it. We inquired to the staff of nurses how they prevent their families and themselves from having staph infections since it is so high in our area (any coastal areas). They told us that bleach in all whites (towels) and Clorox 2 in all colors was the way you could help prevent staph. This is just a suggestion and if you have any questions about staph you can find a lot of great resources on the internet. I was using the liquid Clorox 2 until I came across the powder and just added it to my recipe above. If you choose not to use the clorox to you will need to use the oxyclean or something of this nature.

Before this post gets to long I will add the...

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent Recipe:
(enough to fill the soap dispenser)
  • 1 cup washing soda 
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1 cup borax
  • 1/2 cup course kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup citric acid ( found with the canning supplies) 
I mix all this in a gallon size zip bag and shake until mixed together.
***This method will harden after a day so you will have to knead the bag before each use.***

I did try storing this in a container with a lid but found it easier to just bend the bag and break up what I need for the wash. I use this in every load of my dishwasher and love the way it works. I also use straight vinegar in my rinse cycle also.

This is what the finished detergents should look like!

 Thank you for this experience and let me know how you liked the recipes...until next time, when I have another great recipe to share!

Recommended Resources:

The Money Saving Mom Deluxe Collection

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